Crossfit Memberships


Regular membership includes access to our WODS on Tuesdays and Thursdays and unlimited access to the Open Gym. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day!

During our classes, we teach you the fundamental techniques of weight training, gymnastics and all other necessary crossfit skills!

Open Gym

The Open Gym membership includes unlimited access to our Crossfit Zone to do your workouts in total freedom.

I want to subscribe

I pay in one installment

I pay my subscription in one installement

I pay my subscription every months

I pay my subscription every month for the duration I choose

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Je souhaite payer mon abonnement :

Par carte Bancaire

Je paye mon abonnement tous les mois avec ma carte bancaire automatiquement.

Sur facture

Je paye mon abonnement tous les mois avec Bexio. Je reçois une facture par mois que je dois régler.